We strive to make it easier for you to help your clients by:

Sign Codes 

Fighting for your right to advertise your clients home. Whether through open house signs, or for sale signs, we fight to make sure you can adequately advertise your listings.

Provide the option of more housing units

The lack of available inventory in Snohomish County is directly leading to the lack of affordable homes in our county. Unless more inventory is provided, we face the great danger of no longer being known as a family friendly place to live. We continue to work with our elected officials to find ways to add quality inventory, while still protecting our environmentally sensitive areas.

Fight the regulatory fight

So many land use regulations, who can keep track of them all? We do! We monitor every City Council and the County Council to ensure any regulations passed do not become barriers to home ownership.

Member Ran – Get Involved

Our legislative decisions consist of two joint committees: the Government Affairs Committee, which determines which positions SCCAR will take on various issues; and the REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC), which makes endorsements for political candidates and works on our relationships with our elected officials.

Any member of the association is welcome to attend either committee. We meet every month. Please email [email protected] if you would like more information or have any questions.

What SCCAR has done in the recent year

At SCCAR, we are constantly monitoring city and county governments for legislative action that could affect real estate development and the sales process. From sign codes to zoning and more, we are guarding the real estate market at the local level across Snohomish County and Camano.

SCCAR is consistently in contact with the various planning commissions and city councils across Snohomish County and Camano Island, informing officials at local governments of the issues plaguing real estate and how the city or county official can help bring meaningful legislative change to our area.

With the passage of groundbreaking legislation such as HB 1337 and HB 1110, SCCAR is committed to informing city and county governments about newly passed state laws and regulations and how best they can be implemented. SCCAR works closely alongside Washington REALTORS to see that the cities across Snohomish County and Camano Island are implementing these new laws in a thoughtful manner.

In September 2023, the City of Mukilteo began work on updating their municipal sign codes. Thanks to intervention by SCCAR on behalf of REALTORS, the new sign code adopted by Mukilteo in 2024 was a lot more lenient on temporary signage (including A-frame signs and directional yard-signs.)

On behalf of REALTORS, SCCAR voiced public support for the City of Snohomish to adopt code updates to SMC Ch. 14. Passed in March of 2024, this code change provides greater incentives for developers to build a larger volume of housing within the city.

In late September, the County Council passed a motion to re-adopt more stringent ADU zoning regulations, reversing a previously adopted ordinance which would have lessened the burden put on developers and property owners.

Mat sent a letter to the Council to urge the council towards less restrictive regulations on ADUs. Mat also met with Senior Legislative Analyst Ryan Countryman to discuss the draft ordinance being reviewed by the Planning Commission and the future of ADU-friendly legislation at the county level – advocating in-favor of policies promoting both rural and urban ADU development.

In October, the Snohomish City Planning Commission began consideration of changes to Chapter 14 of the Snohomish Municipal Code, relating to affordable housing policies. The new changes would add expedited the permit review processes, increase the density bonus incentive for developers, and reduce fees.

In response to the agenda and proposed items, Mat wrote a letter and attended the Planning Commission meeting to voice strong support for the proposed legislation and recommended additional REALTOR-friendly policies.

In December, Mat attended a public hearing at the Planning Commission for the draft legislation. Mat provided a public comment on behalf of SCCAR in support of the legislation and reiterated that the planning commission should continue to provide market-driven affordable housing policy recommendations to the city council.

In November, the Mill Creek City Council held a meeting where they announced their 2024 legislative agenda. Among the items listed were several policy areas related to land-use, ADUs & DADUs, and infrastructure.

In response to the pre-published priorities, Mat wrote a letter to the council encouraging them to carefully consider how they might affect positive change in the housing market with ADU/DADU legislation as well as transportation infrastructure. Mat also advocated for legislation relating to condominium development and UGA expansion, explaining how such policies could steer towards positive market changes.