Hotline Attorney Annie Fitzsimmons writes the Legal Hotline Question and Answer of the Week. This is a Washington REALTORS benefit. Please submit questions to [email protected] or call (800) 562-6027. Please have your NRDS number ready when you call or e-mail the Hotline with your question. The Legal Hotline lawyer does not represent Washington Association of REALTORS® members or their clients and customers. Research real estate legal topics at http://www.warealtor.org
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- You Are Practicing Law: Is It Authorized? Simple Transactions
Today, WR Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses the limitations of your authority to draft a Purchase and Sale Agreement, select forms, and draft the language in…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- You Are Practicing Law: Is It Authorized?
This new series explores the 1985 Washington State Supreme Court case, Cultum vs. Heritage House, a cornerstone for understanding the legal boundaries of real…
This week, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses the survival clause in the Form 22A Financing Contingency and how this provision allows…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Is Form 35R Considered a Notice?
Annie Fitzsimmons, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer, explains the proper use of Form 35R, covering its dual purposes (notices and contract amendments), signature requirements,…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- BBSA Signed, But…. Buyer Wants to Work with Different Broker
This week, Annie Fitzsimmons, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline lawyer, explores common questions about handling Buyer Brokerage Services Agreements when a buyer signs contracts with multiple…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Buyer Broker Leaves Paragraph 17 Blank
This week, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons walks you through what brokers should do when Paragraph 17b is left blank by the buyer’s broker.…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- It’s Time for the 2024 Computation of Time Challenge!
It’s Time for the 2024 Computation of Time Challenge!Join Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons, as she walks you through the fact patterns for this…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Incorporating Variable Rate Compensation
Incorporating Variable Rate Compensation This week, Annie takes a look at variable offers of buyer broker compensation. Keep your sellers from owing more in buyer…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Countering a Buyer’s Request for More Compensation
Countering a Buyer’s Request for More Compensation Today, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses how listing brokers should handle a Buyer’s request for more…
Co-Brokering BBSA With Another Firm Following up on last week’s video update, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses what happens when a Buyer…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Buyer Broker Goes on Vacation
Buyer Broker Goes on VacationIn this week’s video, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses what happens when a Buyer Broker goes on vacation or…
LEGAL HOTLINE VIDEO SERIES- Compensation is Shared with the Other Side
Compensation is Shared with the Other SideToday, Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons discusses the disclosures Brokers must provide their clients in scenarios…